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Showing posts from December, 2008

Google dictionary for Bash

For Bash, use Google to get word definitions on the command line by putting this in your .bashrc file: def () { lynx -cfg=/dev/null -dump "$*" | less; } (Make sure that is all on one line) Then type "def word" to get a definition for "word". You can also create a shell script like so: #!/bin/csh -f lynx -cfg=/dev/null -dump "${1}" | less This will work if you aren't using Bash. Make the script executable and put it in your search path (~/bin is a good place). You need a copy of lynx (or better yet links ) for this to work. The "-cfg=/dev/null" is optional for lynx, but should be removed if you are using links.

List all IP addresses bound to a box with C#

RegistryKey adaptersRegKey = Registry.LocalMachine; adaptersRegKey = adaptersRegKey.OpenSubKey(@"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Adapters"); String[] adapterGuids = adaptersRegKey.GetSubKeyNames(); foreach (String giud in adapterGuids) { RegistryKey interfaceRegKey = Registry.LocalMachine; interfaceRegKey = interfaceRegKey.OpenSubKey(@"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces\" + giud); try { Console.WriteLine("Checking: " + giud); Object ipObject = interfaceRegKey.GetValue("IPAddress"); Array ipArray = (Array)ipObject; foreach (string ip in ipArray) { Console.WriteLine("Found IP: " + ip); } interfaceRegKey.Close(); } catch (NullReferenceException) { } } adaptersRegKey.Close();