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How to log C# exception information including all inner exceptions

/// Logs a type and message for and exception (and all inner exceptions) on multiple log lines.
/// Lines all contain a unique ID so they can be found if other lines get between them.
/// Method name, or whatever you want.
/// Custom message for the first log line
/// Exception to log
public static void LogException(string tag, string message, Exception ex)
 string logItemId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N");
 Log(tag, false, logItemId + " " + message);
 Log(tag, false, logItemId + " Exception: " + ex.GetType().Name + ": " + ex.Message);
 Exception Inner = ex.InnerException;
 int innerNumber = 1;
 while( Inner != null )
  Log(tag, false, logItemId + " Inner Exception " + innerNumber + " "  + Inner.GetType().Name + ": " + Inner.Message);
  Inner = Inner.InnerException;


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